"You have the ability, you have the power to forgive. Exercise it. It’s in your ability, in your power. Maximize that moment, forgive that person, so you can live a life worthy of a calling, worthy of your purpose, to live a great life."
You have been given great power to direct much of your life, whether its with forgiveness, wealth, health, or elite relationships. Your creator God placed inside of you the ability to be guided, instructed and comforted at every corner. Much of society blames external forces or people for their short comings or failures. There is a disease that is running rampant in our world , where responsibility for your own actions is not the majority but the minority. 80% of Americans are in the self pity mode and not in the business of exercising the tremendous power and gift they have. Allow me to introduce you to the power inside of you to unleash major change and transformation in your life and others positively. Be the channel to impact change for good , not the catalyst to perpetuate destruction. Unleash your Power! Coach Milton Hello Maximizers! This is Milton Herring, Author of the book Your Purpose, Your App – How to Stop Drifting and Start Living. Also the creator of Maximizing Moments with Milton Podcast Available on iTunes, Stitcher or Sound Cloud.
Today I want to continue my theme of Uncommon Keys to a Great Life. And today we are going to talk about Unity. Milton unity, really? What is unity have to do with having a great life? Let me explain this to you. Unity is a word that is more powerful than we can even imagine. What is unity? You might thinking outside yourself, you might be thinking other people, even your family but I guarantee this unity starts with you. Obviously the word begins with a U. Why would this starts with you? It starts with what’s inside of you, it’s a state of mind that we have to have. Unity is something where [you know] our purpose, our potential they line up, the come together and then we have unity within ourselves. Listen to this, unity really does bring about confidence. Unity within yourself, you say, how do I become have unity or become a unit within myself? It’s when you stop conflicting yourself. You are sending yourself messages to your brain by what you speak and what you see, make what you hear but then on the other side you want more to life, you want happier marriage, you want more money, you want a healthier you, you want more success, you want a greater relationships with others. Whatever it may be, that unity has to come together. What you see is your purpose, what you see is your dream or your destiny or your potential and then what am I allowing myself to bring in, to come in to my life, in my thoughts. Can I bring those together in unity, in harmony? That’s why unity begins with you and if you are not unified within yourself, how much more can you unify with other people, being in unity what other people or being unity with your creator – whatever it may be because those moments when you need to be in unity with other people, you are going to be able to maximize those moments because you now understand that if I am not unified within myself, if I don’t create a unity within my thinking or within my actions or within my speaking, then I have no way of ever doing that outside of myself. I will be lacking in some areas that says, you know what, I cannot bring this together. Unity begins with you, it’s a state of mind because it’s needed in relationships. Have you even tried to do something great in life by yourself? You can’t. Like anyone that you may be aspired to be like, or did you see a success on a platform or whatever it may be, no one ever got there by themselves. Even the greatest person I believe alive today or alive that existed on this Earth 2000 years ago. And Jesus he had to have unity with other people, that had to be something that he brought together to help himself propel his message, propel the truth. He needed that Paul, or He needed that John or He needed Peter – He needed those disciples to help him with his message and to give the truth out. Just like you are going to need that, when you talk about maximizing your moments to bring about more in your life, whether it’s health or relationships or whatever it may be, you are going to be have to be in unity with other people to make it. And unity is needed for success. It really is. How do you define success? Not the world define it but how you define success is with your children, really. It’s with the savings account. Whatever it may be, however you define success, however you put the blinders on, define it for yourself, you need to have some unity. Unity has to be involved. You say, how do you do that? Well think about it. Even if it’s what your savings account, you need to have a mentor. Be in unity with the mentor. You can’t follow a coach or mentor without being unified with him, being in unity, be in harmony, being one with him because why would anybody want to fall somebody that really don’t want to listen to. Why would you want to listen to me if you don’t think that I am in unity with you? I am, I want to be. Because I know what I have to bring in these messages, and understanding what this uncommon keys are to a great life. They are going to bless you, they are going to help you, they are going to increase your life, and they are going to take to that next level because that’s what this is all about. It’s about unity. Let us all come together. Stop being divided and come together because it will create success and it creates a better you. Use Unity as your Uncommon Key today to have a great life. Coach Milton Hello Maximizers! Milton Herring, Author of the book Your Purpose, Your App – How to Stop Drifting and Start Living available in Kindle and Amazon. As well, as the Creator of Maximizing Moments with Milton Podcast, available in iTunes, Sound Cloud or Stitcher Radio.
I am going to talk about Sacrifice today. Sacrifice. Sacrifice is a word that when researching it, it talks about surrendering a possession. Surrendering a possession - something that inside of you. A possession, something that you have, that you own, that you call yours, you are willing to surrender it to someone else, give it to someone else, lay it out for someone else. Something that no one else has, something that you can’t borrow from the past or borrow from someone else. It has to be presently yours - what do you possess that you need to surrender? Sacrifice – it’s an uncommon key because it’s not a word that’s commonly used or even a practice commonly seen. It’s a way of thinking, it’s a way of life that when we take what we possess and we lay it out for the masses or even just one person, you will be able to see a transformation happen – not only in that person, but also in yourself. Another Key learned about what sacrifice does, it is always tied to having more in life. If you think about a seed that goes into the ground, it is sacrificing what it possesses and it’s giving everything it owns. Everything has a value to the earth. It is giving it all to the ground because when it sacrifices itself, it allows the ground to soak into it, it allows the water to come into it, and it opens itself up. And out of that sacrifice, out of the ground you are going to see growth. You are going to see root take place, you are going to see new life happen. And then it becomes the circle of life - where now it takes, it gives, it takes it gives. It’s always on a constant sacrifice. When the seed is planted in the ground, it continues to sacrifice itself even when it is full grown. Let’s say it’s a fruit tree, it’s always giving, it’s always sacrificing of itself of its fruit, its leaves, it limbs to earth, to others, to nature. And that’s what sacrifice is about life. I want to encourage you today, that when you read this, think about sacrificing what you are for other people. Sacrificing your possessions, sacrificing of your potential. In sacrifice, it’s not an end, It’s a beginning to a greater life. And that’s why it is called an uncommon key. Coach Milton Today I want to talk to you about Uncommon Keys to having a great life. Uncommon Keys to having a great life. I want to talk to you today about Forgiveness. Oh, a word that’s kind of just throws you off a little bit. Forgiveness. You are like, no that is really a soft type of word, talking about having a great life but it’s an uncommon key. Why is it uncommon? Because there are so many of us, people or human beings walk around living a life un-maximized because we haven’t found forgiveness for certain situations, certain people, mostly. Now imagine this, living a great life and having your life maximized by truly implementing forgiveness.
No one talks to you about why forgiveness is so important but I am going to share a really personal story of me. When I was seven years old, I was molested by a neighbor child, a teenager boy more than one time. This went on for about a year and this is an opportunity where it just didn’t feel right. When you are seven years old, you are so young, you are so impressionable and really the trust was broken. There was distrust developed and it was abused. And that abuse, that happen really put me in the life spin where I was trying to figure out why, for what reason, what did I do? And a lot of times people that run through abuse to somebody that’s dealt with some challenging times of their life and really internalize it to make it be something bigger than it is. Is it big? Yes it is a big deal. But sometimes we internalize things, we blow it out of proportion. Even we had no reason for it happening, we did nothing to even want it or to even bring it on to ourselves. But in that situation for me, and I hope to share that story a little more in detail, you know in podcast or video like this. But I want to share it with you, that opportunity when I was young – as I was raised and grew up, that came up with me. And I am just trying to understand it, trying to wrap my head around it and figure it out, you know what’s going on here? And that ended up putting me into emotional spin where I was feeling angry. I didn’t trust a lot of people. I felt a lack of confidence in myself. You know I was co-dependent because I didn’t really know how to really make it in life. And it grew up with me. And that anger, that bitterness took a root in my heart and it robbed me . You know I had some great life growing up - but it robbed me of a lot of things that I could have experienced a lot differently in life. And that’s what I want to do for you, I want to challenge you to break free. Find forgiveness. Use this key to have a great life. You know forgiveness is - it’s for you. It’s not for the other person - it’s for you. When I’ve came to the point where I was able to forgive, that gentlemen, that young man at that time in his life – that was when my life took off and exploded. Things started happening to me. I started to create new relationships, find new opportunities and increase my income. My marriage got a whole lot better. There was a lot of things that I had to deal with when it all came down to forgiveness – forgiveness was the answer for me. It was something that released me to having a great life and living my purpose. So forgiveness, it’s for you! Coach Milton |
Milton is genuine, persistent, and sincere. There are very few things that detract Milton from his pursuit of what he believes in. His attitude is fantastic and professionalism top notch. - AuthorInternational speaker, creator of Maximizing Moments with Milton and the Author of Your Purpose, Your App -How to Stop Drifting and Start Living. Archives
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