We are creatures of habit and habitually we are accustomed to living with the knowledge that in the dark of night, dawn is just around the corner. Now, imagine a night that never ends. I have experienced a night like that, a night that even though the sun rises it is still dark.
These days and last few months have been full of darkness in our world, the sun has set and it feels like one of the longest nights ever. And if you agree with me let me know with a comment below. But, this isn’t the end of the story, and how do I know this? We are experiencing a brand new day! With every new day whether experiencing the light or a feeling of darkness, there is hope. And hope doesn't disappoint! My heart goes out to those that are in a dark place today, been in a dark place or walking into one. Can I encourage you because I too was in a dark place and over time, now I understand it is darkest before the dawn and I am reminded of this every morning. It want an easy process and there are days when the light is very dim, but I still rise and move forward. The world needs you to rise up again and shake off the darkness because by you doing that automatically gives permision to others to rise up. There are still dreams and talents within you that need expression in our world. Hope this brief write up encourages you to take one more step today. Blessings, Coach Milton I am battling with myself as of late fighting with thinking positive or being in a state of joy. I am the biggest fan of positive thinking, because I think and know of the alternative and that is to worry, be in fear, struggle with doubt and insecurities. We all fall victim to this mindset and it can become a cancer that only grows with every opportunity it is given. So, my philosophy is that I work and I work and I work to dilute the pollution that so easily clouds my mind and judgement.
One principle I live by is to assume positive intent , this of course comes by way of relationships, but it can be used with external circumstances that come against you not in your favor. Going to the thought that this is “happening for me , not against me!” Assuming positive intent is one of the toughest muscles I have been developing for some time, years! But, of late it is very difficult to assume what others intentions are by way of media and conversations. We do have the power to not judge but to be introspective and assume the best intent possible for myself and others. And, when the stent is made know ,then and only then should you take appropriate actions. Getting to ground zero in your mind and emotions Ground zero is the point in which you are clear and ready to absorb and produce the positive , happy life you envision and long for yourself and others. Here are a couple of insights on how to get to ground zero: Embrace- Embrace what ever is troubling you, this is different than accepting it as it is. This is more allowing it to flow through and and experience it. What this does is brings down the resistance barrier, relieves stress and allows you to begin to think. Tell it — This is simple, but you need to have trusted people in your life you can tell your anxieties, doubts and fears to and people who will help you see the broader picture. Write it- Journaling, note taking, jotting down are keys to allowing your flesh and mind to be in harmony knowing this is what is going on and expressing it in a tangible way. Journaling allows you to take a step up in your personal and emotional growth as well. Because its a matter of time that another challenge will present itself in life. I assure you when you follow this simple guideline, you will get you to ground zero and this will aid you on experiencing the joy and power of positive thinking. I hope this blesses you today- coach Milton ![]() This is one reason that Father’s day isnt just one day a year, but is celebrated and cherished every day of my life. We are all shaped good or bad by the experiences and people in our lives through out the years. I am super grateful for my father, biological father has been a rock and leader and to this day I have much love and respect for him. Also, there are many other fathers that have come along in my life at different times, when the presence of my physical father was not around. And, to those men I stand and applaud you with a tear in my eye and chill in my skin and a full heart. Coach Engle, Kevin, Todd, Bob, Myke, Tim, Wayne, and many others. Being a coach myslef afford me the opportuntiy to raise Sons not my own, to see the young man they will be in the next 5–10 years. I believe these men I name have thought the same of me. So this is why I say a father is celebrated mor than one day a year. Fathers are needed in every sector of society, especially when children I raised fatherless. This is a big issue in our country and family is the cornerstone of what makes our society and nations great. And to be spiritually minded it is God’s will that men be fathers to their children and to others that are lacking that guidance. I have fully embraced coaching as a route to change lives and to better society and I take my hat off to those that do the same. We have many sons not our own and that has to be the motto. Sports are a microcosm of life and its our responsibility to complete the circle of humanity. I am very passionate to not only raise my own children, but my heart goes out to those young men and women that need an example of what it takes to thrive as a man, father, husband for their future selves. Whats your calling in life, if it is to be a father to the fatherless like my Lord and savior then join the club. Blessings to you and the “Fathers” out there today, Coach Milton Do you really want to stick to a good healthy habit? Well you gotta listen to this because this has been proven in my life so many years that when I feel like I get off track, I just revert right back to it and make it as plain as possible.
The most recent habit that I am really proud of, is the one that I chose to make my health a priority. And making my health a priority there were a lot of things that I needed to change, well I wasn’t so off from my habits but there were some questionable habits in there. What am I saying, my habits were terrible! So, the first thing was to find a way to start diluting the negative talk in my head. I needed to change my input quick and in a hurry. What I did was I reached out to a nutrition and fitness coach by the name of Jeffrey at Revolution fitness (Facebook, Instagram). What Jeffrey began to do was start to ask me really good questions, questions that I never really took the time to think about or maybe not even really wanted to answer. What these questions the words made me to start thinking more concretely about my health and seriously why wasn’t I making myself a priority. Did I really want to live a long healthy life, do I really want to suffer from chronic pains as I got older, do I really want to be around for my grandchildren? These are questions and the input that I needed to start me on my journey and really come to an honest and open dialogue with myself and my wife. These thoughts and answers to the questions that I had in my head and heart let me take action immediately. I began to journal and write down my goals every day and speak them out loud, I spoke to myself constantly about how proud I was even for the little that I did, or the major things I would do. I thought and spoke of this as a long-term project. Meaning years in the making (I’m in year two) I began to just get up and move. I started off with walking them a fitness plan was delivered to me from my fitness coach to follow and a meal regiment. I was determined to just do and at one day at a time making each day a resolution to conquer my fears and thoughts and make myself a priority. To keep myself accountable I would reach out to my coach once a week give him updates through myfitness pal tracking (an app) my macros and eating. Also, I would let him know my weight every week and I posted socially on Snapchat my first year each day whether I felt like it or not ( so others would see it) To give you a formula of what I used here it is below: Input Thoughts Words Actions Habits Having and adopting a good and healthy habit lifestyle will lead you to more peace, more joy, more clarity, and more power in the moment. Thank you for allowing me to encourage you today on your path and journey and helping you to maximize any given moment in your life for success. Blessings Coach Milton ![]() This is a subject that no a lot of people will gravitate towards, but if you continue reading know this will help you and possibly helps another. Here is my perspective and it is also my experiences, that you can’t change anyone. Change is always driven from the inside to the outside. Sounds easy right? But its one if the most difficult steps to take for any person. Sometimes we choose this path to change and sometimes this path is thrown onto us. It is a given we change everyday and change is inevitable, but the hard truth is that with change growth is always optional. Self accountability has to be the question at hand during these times. If, we can be accountable to ourselves based on our thoughts, words and actions, this world would change overnight. So the theme of this blog “Change Me” needs to be the cry for systemic change in our country and world. Allow this theme as an opportunity to overcome your mental block or ceiling of what is possible. Changing your outlook, perceptions, bias and prejudice will change how you look at your neighbor. Each of us was born what special abilities and gifts, hint towards a marvel comic or movie. But seriously we are all gifted , and all gifts are different even though they seem the same. The variable is you and your uniqueness. Because of this ability, you were made to overcome someone else’s impossibility and to attain what’s your possibility. Your change is the wonderful gift to the world. Let me say it another way. You were made for what this world needs you to accomplish. So there is no impossible for you, and all left is “I am possible with change “ When you stand in your success, when you stand in your changed perspective, when you stand in the truth of who you are and in appreciation of the diversity of others, you give inspiration and permission for others to stand in their possibilities and success. I am fully confident that you are great and greatness lives in the inside of you. Change into the greatness starting today. Let this encourage you today to live in your possibilities and allow the courage to flow to others as an inspiration. Coach Milton ![]() Atlanta, GA. my birthplace and the beginning of a story of how I can learn from others no matter the color. I guess I write this piece as a journal of what has been transpiring the last few days in different parts of the country. It is a journaling piece that rides the coat tail of a long, long historical undertone of the fabric of humanity. As I write this the words that pop into my head are, “can we all just get along!” I wish it were that simple. But in order for that statement to be remotely true, it takes bravery, humility and courage to be a person to want that to be so. I learned this lesson not form birth but over time. My awesome parents wanted me and my brothers to see the country and be exposed to different types of people and to be good with being in different environments. I grew up after leaving Atlanta as a young boy seeking to connect with others no matter where we landed. And, this friction as a young boy is one that allows me today to see the diversity in humanity and to also be open to learn form others. You see learning from others builds who you are and grows you personally , emotionally and spiritually. Being a man of color (African American, Black) and on the lighter side, I was treated differently on both sides of the fence, white or black be it racism or colorism. If I could just for a moment give you what I know , this world could be a beter place. Placing yourself in the shoes of others same color or not, you glean so much of their story. And the powerful thing about humanity is that every person has a story. How that got to this point in time and possibly why thy think hat they think. If you work to learn from others you drop your assumptions and you seek to undrstand them. Listen, I said understand them not necessarily agree with them, there is a difference. I would love to hear your story, and learn what patterns are working or not working in your life. Because, this is how I grow and this how we grow together. Taking our eyes off ourselves for just a moment, will bring so much hope and joy to this world. To those that may read this and say I don’t want to learn from other colors, then I must say that same attitude is what will perpetuate the division and chaos we see today for other generations to come. Also, I am not nieve that the world will be perfect, because with humans there will always be imperfections, greed, evil and ego. But, if enough of us no matter the color stand up to learn from others we can work to build a better place period. Blessings on this day, Coach Milton Someone once told me that the purpose of storms is nature’s way of getting rid all of the dead wood and unhealthy limbs from plants, bushes and trees so that they can continue to grow. So what about the storm you are in now?
We are either going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm- unknown Life is really a journey of choices, battles, victories, pain, and success that we all have the priveledge to participate in. I recall as a young man coming out of college seeking new life and career that someone once told me life is fair Milton. It took me a while to really understand that phrase, but I get it now as I see it. Life isn’t about what you deserve, it is not fair, it really doesn’t care what you do with this temporary life you and I have, it really isn’t fair at all. Life will give you exactly what you put into it. I was totally relieved at some level that what I give to this beautiful life everyday is exactly the measure I will receive from it period. I also relaized that I could not point the finger to anyone but myself. If I want that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson body, I will have to put the discipline and effort into it period. You can name what you want out of life, and if it hasn’t manifestd just yet, doesn’t mean life isnt fair. It simply means you haven’t put in the needed work, effort or time into yet. And think about this, what is the rush anyway? Life is a journey that we only end once they lay us in the ground. So, have patience and be the person you really want to be in the storms of the now. You can definitely control two things in life and these two things only. Because all else is out of your control. The two things are your attitude (perception, thoughts and outlook) of life, and the next weighted just the same as you are suspended between the two, your effort (planning, action, follow through) Let this encourage you today, you will weather this storm of now by placing your anchor in the things you can control and if you are like me you know who holds the future. :-) Blessings on your journey, Coach Milton Our lives are full of unknowns, from the day we are born into this world it all becomes a journey. And that journey becomes exciting when you are able to understand and receive a creator that wants to be with you throughout your unknowns of life. All you can do from that day on is be in the moment period. COVID-19 is presented much unknowns of what to do now, what is going to happen , how do I do life today? These questions are presented with doubt and at times frustration.
Can I share that COVID-19 is not just happening to us, but it is happening for us. There is much that w can glean and learn during this time. This time will not return and in the midst of this pandemic we are given wonderful opportunities. There are opportunities all around us if you choose to see them and choose to take hold of them. You might ask what opportunities? Well, with every challenge the opposite is opportuntiy, look at the life of a child. The labor pains of birth present the glorious opportunity of life. Look at the business that were birth out of the recession, depression, or even civil war. When I got married in 2000 to a beautiful woman, I was not exactly sure how these last twenty years would go. Just a series of “Unknowns!” These last 20 years have been wonderful and yes the best is yet to come, but I sit here thinking about all the things we have gone through and its been a journey of unknowns. When I had my children and married two young girls along with my wife there was and is a series of unknowns, and I also think back and am grateful for all the unknowns. For me there is only one certainty, I will die. Where do we get the idea that we are in control of anything? When do you feel the most anxiety? I am certain it is when you don’t have control and don’t quite know what the future state will be. Here is my remedy to be ok with the unknown, be in the moment. Being in the moment is not saying there is no such thing as trouble or obstacles or COVID-19, it is acknowledging those things but at the same time it is having great peace in the day. Do what is right in front of you, love what is right in front of you, breathe in the air that is right around you. Tomorrow has enough trouble of it’s own, live and be in this day. Do what you can and let the rest go! I hope this encourages you today, especially during this unknown time in our world. When we get passed COVID- 19, there will be something else in our lives or world that will want to push us into fear and being anxious of the unknowns. Listen Maximizers, “Be In The Moment!” Affectionately Your Coach-Milton Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.- Albert Einstein
Social distancing doesnt mean you can connect in a manner that creates value. To share quick story on value, pulling up in a fast food drive thru- (don’t hate me those that can’t stand it, bear with me). The last time I went through a drive thru I was asked after ordering a sandwich if I wanted to make that a value meal? I quickly said no, because all I wanted was a sandwich and a water (counting calories here). But the question stuck with me for a bit, because I have changed my outlook on food and working to become more healthy fit and extend my quality of life. So to me at this point in life this value meal is not value, because of what happens in my body after consuming a large fry and a large drink with the sandwich. I am not condemning , just pointing out my life. So, the value add concept , what does it come down to in our personal lives and how do we bring it, give it, handle it. This word “Value” will be an ever increasing topic but allow me to share some points on how to right now increase the value we seek. There is so much you and I can do add and increase our value, it will take more thought and effort, but the opportunity is there. Listening is a great place to start: Listen to those in your relationships, Ask questions beyond task orientation, Make being with you, like no other experience. People are struggling and some are thriving and either way we should be listening to them and not to be an answer just allow them to breathe and get out what’s the feeling on the inside. Consistency never get’s old: Be consistent with everyone in relation to you, or no matter how much others can give you. Even after the Pandemic begins to clear or or we have better direction stick with being consistent. Build good relationships : People do business and build long term relationships with those they know, like or trust. Relationship will most likely trump trials and troubles, keep the relationship tight. Go deeper with your current positive relationship. Ask more insightful questions of others. Personal Growth and Development: Learn your skills and talents and master your craft. Teach others what you know, with being quarentined this time we will never get back, find time in your day to learn by reading, listening, writing etc. Applied Knowledge is power. Take advantage of this time in 2020 and increase your value and adding value to others today. Maximize the Moment- Coach Milton ![]() Nothing is impossible, the word itself is “I’m Possible” Audrey Hepburn The America dream is to pursue what’s possible by overcoming the impossible. Have you ever been in awe of the one who overcame obstacles and attained what was to you as being impossible? Allow this as an opportunity to overcome your mental block or ceiling. Each of us was born what abilities, hint towards a marvel comic or movie. But seriously we are all gifted , and all gifts are different even though they seem the same. The variable is you and your uniqueness. Because of this ability, you were made to overcome someone else’s impossibility and to attain what’s your possibilities. Let me say it another way. You were made for what you will , have and pursuing to accomplish. So there is no impossible for you, and all left is “I am possible “ When you stand in your success, you give inspiration and permission for others to stand in their possibilities and success. I am fully confident that you are great and greatness lives in the inside of you. When you stand for what is right, you stand to serve humanity. I remember making a stand to a bully when I was in 8th grade. My father taught me to turn the other cheek, but if they laid a hand on you , please respond in kind. I stood up against this bully buy giving him chances to stop, because I wasn’t the only person he was bullying. At this particular time , enough was enough as I heard the last word I could hear from him. I made a slow roasting quick decision to end the abuse and I attacked him, skipping straight to the hands on approach. I didn’t know what I was capable of, all I know is I had enough and others did too. Looking back at that time, I stood against another to serve humanity. It showed post the fight as I was congratulated and thanked for taking a stand. Here is an acronym for STAND I want you to never forget: S. Send a Message to Opposition T. Teach others to be their best A. Ally with the kindest of Humanity N. Notice the change in and around you D. Drive darkness back for light to shine Let this encourage you today to live in your possibilities and allow the courage to flow to others as an inspiration. Blessings Coach Milton |
Milton is genuine, persistent, and sincere. There are very few things that detract Milton from his pursuit of what he believes in. His attitude is fantastic and professionalism top notch. - AuthorInternational speaker, creator of Maximizing Moments with Milton and the Author of Your Purpose, Your App -How to Stop Drifting and Start Living. Archives
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